US Route One Sewer and Water

Location Saco, Maine
Type Land Survey, Right of Way, Topographic, Utility & Existing Conditions
Funding Sources

Horizons was engaged by Atlantic Resource Consultants to provide surveying services for a sewer and water infrastructure project for approximately 1.85 miles of US Route One in Saco. The project involved determining the road right of way limits and providing existing conditions and utility surveying for a sewer and then water project for the City of Saco and a local utility company. Horizons completed research for rights of way at the Maine DOT, registry of deeds, and record surveys along the corridor. Detailed existing conditions surveys were required to include topographic contours, roadway/curbing, signage, traffic markings, and above and below-ground utilities. The project provided challenges as a very busy roadway with four lanes of traffic, and the field surveyors coordinated with the local police department to provide traffic control and even surveyed at night to take advantage of reduced traffic.

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